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Bot Options

The chatbot provides an options prop that empowers you to personalize your chatbot according to your preferences. There are 2 categories: Configurations and Styles. The Configurations category enables you to customize the chatbot's features and functionality, while the Styles category allows you to modify its appearance. By adjusting these options, you can customize the chatbot to perfectly align with your specific needs and preferences.

Each of these two categories contain sections (which in turn contains properties) and they may be passed to the ChatBot in the form of section: {property: value} as shown in the examples below:

  • advance: {useCustomMessages: true}
  • audio: {disabled: false}
  • theme: {primaryColor: "#ff0000", embedded: true}
  • headerStyle: {background: "#00ff00", color: "#0000ff"}
  • footerStyle: {fontSize: 12}

If any of the explanations or usages are unclear to you, you may always reference the default bot options for an example.


Within Configurations, options are grouped into different sections, each representing a specific aspect of the chatbot. Here are the available sections:

  • Advance: Advanced configurations for the chatbot.
  • Audio: Configuration for chatbot audio settings.
  • BotBubble: Configuration for bot chat bubbles.
  • ChatButton: Configuration for the chatbot button.
  • ChatWindow: Configuration for the chatbot window.
  • ChatHistory: Configuration for chatbot chat history.
  • ChatInput: Configuration for chatbot input settings.
  • Emoji: Configuration for chatbot emojis.
  • FileAttachment: Configuration for chatbot file attachments.
  • Footer: Configuration for the chatbot footer.
  • Header: Configuration for the chatbot header.
  • Notification: Configuration for chatbot notifications.
  • Theme: Configuration for the chatbot theme.
  • Tooltip: Configuration for the chatbot tooltip.
  • UserBubble: Configuration for user chat bubbles.
  • Voice: Configuration for chatbot voice settings.

Each section contains distinct properties that provide granular control over the behavior of the chatbot. These properties are extensively documented in the API documentation for bot options under the Configurations category, providing comprehensive details and guidance on customization. Below is a brief snippet demonstrating how certain configuration sections can be customized:

import { ChatBot } from 'react-chatbotify';

const options = {
isOpen: true,
// ...other configurations
theme: {
primaryColor: '#42b0c5',
secondaryColor: '#491d8d',
fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif',
audio: {
disabled: false,
// ...other styles

const App = () => {
return (
<h1>My Chatbot</h1>
<ChatBot options={options} />


The Styles category comprises sections that allow you to personalize the visual components of the chatbot. By adjusting these sections, you have the ability to customize the colors, typography, and other visual elements of the chatbot's interface. Here are the available sections:

  • tooltipStyle: Styles for the chatbot tooltip.
  • chatButtonStyle: Styles for the chatbot button.
  • notificationBadgeStyle: Styles for the notification badge.
  • chatWindowStyle: Styles for the chat window.
  • headerStyle: Styles for the chatbot header.
  • bodyStyle: Styles for the chatbot body.
  • chatInputContainerStyle: Styles for the chat input container.
  • chatInputAreaStyle: Styles for the chat input area.
  • chatInputAreaFocusedStyle: Styles for the chat input area when focused.
  • chatInputAreaDisabledStyle: Styles for the chat input area when disabled.
  • userBubbleStyle: Styles for user chat bubbles.
  • botBubbleStyle: Styles for bot chat bubbles.
  • botOptionStyle: Styles for bot options.
  • botOptionHoveredStyle: Styles for hovered bot options.
  • botCheckboxRowStyle: Styles for bot checkbox rows.
  • botCheckboxNextStyle: Styles for the next bot checkbox.
  • botCheckMarkStyle: Styles for the bot checkmark.
  • botCheckMarkSelectedStyle: Styles for the selected bot checkmark.
  • sendButtonStyle: Styles for the send button.
  • sendButtonHoveredStyle: Styles for the send button when hovered.
  • characterLimitStyle: Styles for the character limit.
  • characterLimitReachedStyle: Styles for the character limit when limit is reached.
  • chatHistoryButtonStyle: Styles for the chat history button.
  • chatHistoryButtonHoveredStyle: Styles for the chat history button when hovered.
  • chatHistoryLineBreakStyle: Styles for the chat history line break.
  • chatMessagePromptStyle: Styles for the chat message prompt.
  • chatMessagePromptHoveredStyle: Styles for the chat message prompt when hovered.
  • footerStyle: Styles for the chatbot footer.
  • loadingSpinnerStyle: Styles for the loading spinner.

Each section is responsible for the appearance of a chatbot component. The API documentation for bot options under the Styles category offers extensive information and guidance on customizing these sections that can assist you in achieving the desired visual customization. Below is a brief snippet demonstrating how certain style sections can be customized:

import { ChatBot } from 'react-chatbotify';

const options = {
// ...other configurations
headerStyle: {
background: '#42b0c5',
color: '#ffffff',
padding: '10px',
chatWindowStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#f2f2f2',
// ...other styles

const App = () => {
return (
<h1>My Chatbot</h1>
<ChatBot options={options} />

Sections belonging to Styles follow a naming convention that ends with Style. You can safely assume that the other sections fall under Configurations.